O'r nefoedd fry yr edrych Duw

(Salm XXXIII. Rhan II: 13,17,19-21.)
O'r nefoedd fry yr edrych Duw
  Ar lwybrau pob rhyw ddynion,
Ac o'i breswylfa
    edrych ar
  Y ddaear a'i thrigolion.

Wele lawn olwg Duw a'i wawl,
  Maent ar y sawl a'i hofno;
Ac mae'i drugaredd ef ar led
  I'r sawl a 'mddiried ynddo.

Ein henaid gan yr Arglwydd hael
  Sy'n disgwyl cael ei bywyd;
Efe a byrth ein henaid gwan,
  Efe yw'n tarian hefyd.

Yn unig yn yr Arglwydd Iôn
  Mae'n calon yn llawenu;
Ac yn ei enw sanctaidd ef
  Mae hon yn gref yn credu.

Duw, dy drugaredd dod i ni,
  Sef ynot ti y credwn;
Dy nodded a'th drugaredd dod,
 Can's ynod ymddiriedwn.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Mary (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln 1655)

  Cenwch i'r Iôr fawl a mawrhâd
  Rhan I - Cenwch seintiau ganiad newydd
  Cynghor yr Arglwydd yn ddilyth
  Pa rai bynag yn Nuw yr Ion

(Psalm 33. Part 2:13,17,19-21.)
From the heavens above God looks
  Upon the paths of every kind of man,
And from his residence
    he looks upon
  The earth and its inhabitants.

See the full gaze of God and his dawn,
  They are upon those who fear him;
And his mercy is widespread
  To those who trust in him.

Our soul from the generous Lord
  Is expecting to get its life;
He will feed our weak soul,
  He is our shield also.

Only in the Sovreign Lord
  Is the heart joyful;
And in holy name
  Does it strongly believe.

God, thy mercy come to us,
  For in thee we believe;
Thy protection and thy mercy come,
  For in thee we trust.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
(Psalm XXXIII. 13-14,18-22.)
[13] The Lord looketh from heaven;
     he beholdeth all the sons of men.
[14] From the place of his habitation
       he looketh
     upon all the inhabitants of the earth.

[18] Behold, the eye of the Lord
     is upon them that fear him,
     upon them
     that hope in his mercy;

[19] to deliver their soul from death,
     and to keep them alive in famine.
[20] Our soul waiteth for the Lord:
     he is our help and our shield.

[21] For our heart
     shall rejoice in him,
     because we have trusted
     in his holy name.

[22] Let thy mercy,
     O Lord, be upon us,
     according as we hope
     in thee.


The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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